Tres poemas de Mani Rao

Mani Rao

(Sólo espero un fuerte viento, Carlos Zerpa)


Pressed poet
Having to thing poems
The lights are off
Speak in your own person

Anon – Nonym – Nymous
Strong Weak Relative Nons
Us Them Impersonyms
Hate Like Ignoranymous

Many master words

Poet – pretender
Light – thunder

Permit no ambit
Even loser's glory

Prolog's cunning
Epilog's arrogance

(First published in Tinfish, 2008)


If everything is impermanent why do you want it
I don’t want anything for ever
You will disappoint everyone
Then you will be free

(First published in Indian Literature, 2009.)

Five-word poem

Those love cannot leave alone
Love those cannot leave alone
Cannot love leave those alone
Leave those cannot love alone
Those cannot leave love alone

(First published in Asian Cha online journal)

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